One of the most tiresome and inaccurate things to be told during a crisis is that: “It’s always darkest before the dawn”. As we slowly, and hopefully, emerge from the pandemic, Sir David Attenborough recently reminded us that, horrific as Sars-Cov-2 has been, the coming climate and biodiversity crises will be worse still unless we take very swift action. So […]
A proper gander at the Arc
The origin of the Oxford to Cambridge Arc demonstrates the opposite of democratic principles.Democracy has been defined as government of the people, by the people, for the people. The Arc is an imposition on local people, by a London-based Oxbridge clique, largely for the benefit of land owners, developers and the political interests to which many of them donate.Looking through […]
Welcome to the new Smart Growth UK website
Our new website comes at a time of great challenge in UK planning and transportation policy, a time when Smart Growth policies have never been more sorely needed. We live in a world where the climate and biodiversity emergencies are, at long last, widely recognised, though woeful policies in the run-up to COP26 show meaningful action remains beyond the reach […]